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Why All Champions use Visualisation in Sports ?

The most dominant surfer in history Kelly Slater has used visualisation or mental imagery it to win major tournament after major tournament. Future Hall of Famer and who many consider to be the greatest quarterback of all time Tom Brady practices it to win super Bowl after super bowl and set numerous records along the way. Visualisation in sport has been an under rated aspect of sport that all champions have in common with each other.

Visualisation in sport

The best hockey player of all time and a prolific goal scorer Wayne Gretzky did it to completely revolutionise the game and to secure records that may never fall.The undisputed greatest basketball player of all time, his Airness himself Michael Jordan, used it to dominate on the court, win six championships, and establish himself as the best player to ever step on the court.

Connor Mcgregor is using it now to becoming the biggest name to ever come in MMA ( mixed martial arts ). He is using mental imagery to visualise the way he will to win each fight, and even more amazingly picking a specific time in the fight that the prediction will happen.

And guess what? It is working to such an accurate way he has become famous for it. McGregor is visualising the fight taking place before it has evened happened. He has visualised the battle of endurance and damage he needs to over come to be the champion.

Mental imagery helps create champions

When McGregor enters the battle his mind is mentally prepared for what it has to endure. In the highest level of competition all the athletes at the top are all in amazing peak physical condition.

It is often that its the mental preparation that can separate the winner from the loser. If an athlete can add an extra 1% through mental preparation that can quite often prove the difference.

The bottom line Is that all Champions seem to use Mental imagery or visualisation

Visualisation in sports is powerful and has helped the greatest achieve the success at the highest level. You’d have to be at least a little bit crazy not to seriously consider taking advantage of everything that visualisation has to offer you – regardless of whether or not you’re a professional athlete or weekend warrior.

The best athletes say that they always visualise succeeding in their sport they are about to undertake in before it happens. This allows for their brain to comprehend and understand what it is needed to do and achieve.

The Truth About Visualisation in Sports

A lot of people are under the impression that the active visualisation and the results that athletes are able to enjoy are nothing more than airy fairy, hippie nonsense” and as far from hard science as humanly possible.

Literally nothing could be further from the truth.

Mental Imagery gives the upper hand

Sure, there’s a lot more to performing at the highest possible level in athletics than just visualisating yourself dominating every facet of your game, but at the end of the day there is real power in visualization or mental imagery – and that’s why top athletes all over the world and across history have used it as a tool to achieve greatness. You need to have a reference to visualise.

Visualisation is actually a mental rehearsal of an event that you create in your mind. This allows you to practice as many times as you want, at any time in any place. At little as five minutes a day can have a huge impact. Simply spend five minutes away visualising yourself being successful in your sport. What ever the goal is that you are aiming to achieve.


The key to being successful through visualisation is to visualise that you have achieved what you want. Not that you are hoping to achieve it or that if you keep training hard you can achieve this goal in the future. You have to use this mental trick to live and feel yourself succeeding.

Mental preparation can separate winners from losers


On the one hand you will know that this is a mental practice. The important thing to understand about the mind is that the sub conscience mind cannot distinguish between visulisation projections and what is real. The power of the sub conscience mind will learn, grow and progress from the scenarios you create through mental visualisation regardless of whether the events occurred in reality or your imagination.

For example in surfing if you are a surfer trying to surf huge waves and up until this day the biggest wave you have caught is 6 feet. You will not be going straight into surfing 30 feet waves. Your mind does not have the reference to visualise succeeding in such a huge step in skill levels.You will also need to develop your skill set to meet the challenge at hand. Like developing flexibility and strength, you also need to work on developing mental strength.


What is more realistic is going to 8-10 feet waves and first visualising yourself catching an 8 foot wave drawing on the reference of the skills you have developed in surfing 6 feet waves. Then continue the visualisation as you continue to progress in surfing larger waves.


So much more than simply a imagining things going well, visualisation – when done deliberately and systematically – is almost as rock solid as actually practicing and going through the physical motions of achieving the goals that you visualise in the first place.

Visualization is Scientifically Proven to Produce Incredible Results

Research conducted by Duke University (research that has since been duplicated at prestigious institutions all over the world and is now accepted as scientific fact) showed the real power of visualization in sports.

Three groups took part in this study:

1) The first group never practiced shooting free throws but was asked to shoot 50 at a time whenever they felt like it over a three-month period of time


2) A second group that practiced 30 minutes a day shooting free throws four times a week over a three-month period of time


3) A third group that visualized shooting free throws every morning for 30 minutes four times a week over a three-month period of time


Unsurprisingly, the control group that never practiced shooting free throws did the worst and the group that actually practiced 30 minutes a day did the best – but the third group, the group that only visualised shooting free throws almost did as well as those that physically practiced.

In fact, they did almost 80% as well as those that physically practiced, lending credence to the fact that there is real power in visualization when it comes to athletics.

At the end of the day, if you are an athlete of any skill level – regardless of whether or not you are a professional or the particular sport that you enjoy most – you are going to benefit considerably from smart visualization.

​It's hard to believe but it actually works


Not only are you going to want to visualise yourself achieving the athletic goals that you have set out to conquer in the first place, but you’re going to want to visualise yourself “going through the motions” on your road to achievement.

This is where the biggest benefits are going to show up, has your brain is going to have a tough time differentiating between the physical memory and the psychological memory – which is why you’re able to get upwards of 80% of the same results simply visualising your practice.

Give it a shot for a couple of months. It won’t take long until you start to see real and tangible results.

By then you’ll be a convert to the reality of visualization in sports.

Where did Visualisation Get to Where it is Today ?

Guided Imagery or visualisation is an old tool that was developed by Yogis thousands of years ago. Since then it has become a popular tool within the alternative and conventional medical communities.

Yoga started visualisation

Visualisation in sport has not just appeared by itself. The mind and body connecting is being documented through medical science more and more . One of the latest examples that has been proven is the study in The Cleveland Clinic where it was proven that using the mind to only imagine specific muscles contracting every day for weeks resulted in an increased level of strength with-in the targeted muscles.

Roger Federer, one of the greatest tennis players in history visualises each match before he has even stepped foot onto the court. As he steps on to the court each time Federer has already visualised winning the match countless times. This can then be broken down onto winning each point. All time great Jack Nicklaus and Roger Federer both famously practice mentally each big moment of their careers before executing and accomplishing.

Today you will find that most of the best athletes and sports stars in the world visualising winning and performing as a champion movements before any given event. Visualisation in sports is just starting to be given the recognition with-in the professional sporting circles.

You can bet you will be hearing a lot more on visualisation in sports into the future.

How Flexibility and Stretching Actually Changed My Life


There is nothing quite as uncomfortable as stiff, tight and sore muscles. I’ve dealt with tight muscles and muscle soreness for years. My quality of health has been saved by the fact that I've been able to develop a stretching routine to control the problem of tightness.

I feel it would be valuable for people to hear how I’ve incorporated flexibility training into my daily routine. I’m a naturally stiff person, so I need to consistently stretch in order to maintain any sort of flexibility. It seems to be a common story that I’ve heard from a wide range of people, all of us have had to make adjustments to our lifestyles due to low levels of mobility and flexibility.


Flexibility exercises and daily stretching has since become a part of my life to keep a pain-free healthy body. There is a huge percentage of the population would benefit from incorporating stretching, yoga, and flexibility exercises into our daily routine in order to to maintain a pain-free lifestyle.

Side stretch

I have an active surfer and also played every other sport I could find time for. This has been the dominant interest of mine for as long as I can remember.

We should learn to look after our bodies from a young age

Stretching exercises while playing soccer and rugby when I was a child involved a few leg stretches, often touching our toes and a basic warm up before games and training. Unless they’re stretching daily most young people are going to stiffen up as they age. Because of all the sports, and the lack of stretching over the years, my muscles became overly tight and stiff. By the time I turned fourteen, I was incredibly stiff and developing lower back pains. Each time I came in from a surfing session I would be experiencing pain and soreness.

How could it be that a healthy fourteen-year-old boy was developing lower back pain? That’s supposed to problems for the elderly isn’t it? It appeared not. Muscle pain and back problems can affect anyone at any age, and I found this out at a young age.

A Painfully Stiff Back Can Affect Anyone at Any Age

Back pain

I was lucky enough to know an excellent physiotherapist who was able to point me in the right direction. We were able to develop a stretching routine to help improve my flexibility and eliminate the back pain I was experiencing. Within a few months, I had improved my flexibility a huge amount by performing stretching exercises daily combined with visiting a yoga school.

Yoga classes were a huge factor in improving my flexibility. I began attending yoga classes twice weekly where my mother was teaching Hatha Yoga. The first classes I attended were very difficult as I couldn’t manage to sit with my legs stretched straight out in front of me. My hamstrings had almost no flexibility. These first few months of stretching and yoga were extremely uncomfortable and painful, due to my leg muscles having almost no flexibility.


With the twice daily stretching and flexibility exercise, combined with the two weekly yoga classes, I was able to totally eliminate all my back pain and stiffness. I actually became flexible. I didn’t think that would be possible for an ultra-stiff guy like me. When I first started, my hamstrings were so stiff I could barely touch my knees. I went from the stiffest kid in my school to the most flexible in under a year of disciplined training involving my stretching routine and Yoga.

As I started to enjoy this new found flexibility, I attended the Swami Sarivarti Yoga Teacher Training programs to continue learning and to continue progressing in my flexibility and Yoga training. This was a great learning experience, I started to really understand stretching, flexibility and the 8 limbs of yoga.

Arm stretch

When I was eighteen, I noticed that muscle stiffness was a common problem among young people. I realized that I wasn’t the only one dealing with these issues. There was a group of friends from the local gym that were fit, strong, and healthy, but they all had difficulties maintaining any type of flexibility.

I knew how much your life could improve once you developed flexibility and were able to shake off aches and pains so I started a stretching, flexibility, and yoga class at a local gym to help my friends improve flexibility. It can greatly improve your quality of life when you increase your flexibility, and it can allow you to live free from stiffness and pain.

Relax the back

It wasn’t until l was in my early twenties that I began to take my flexibility for granted. I started to stretch less and sometimes not at all. I stopped doing my yoga classes and got sucked into the trap of working too much, traveling constantly, and not listening to my body’s signals that it needed stretching and flexibility exercises to keep it healthy and subtle.

I want to keep getting barrelled

When flexibility goes from bad to worse


In 2009, I had returned to Australia from Brazil and was working in construction, trying to get back on my feet in Sydney. I had totally stopped stretching and was in a routine of working, sports, surfing, and going out with friends. I was living a great lifestyle but I had totally ignored all the warning signs my body was giving me. These signs were pointing out that I was getting to a stage where I was at an increased risk of injury.

I began feeling my lower back and hamstrings stiffening over the months. I knew that I had been neglecting my flexibility, but I was living a fast-paced lifestyle where I had put my body’s health and flexibility on the back burner. It felt like my hamstrings were stopping my lower back from being as mobile as it should be.

Brazil sunset

My friend and I had been surfing all morning and were relaxing on the beach with a group of friends, kicking a football around and checking the waves. I bent over and twisted to pick up the football and I felt a pop and felt a seizing sensation in my lower back. I knew immediately that I was in trouble.

My hips and lower back were totally seized up, leaving me with a sharp shooting pain down my right. I was barely able to work, surfing was out of the question, and even driving a car seemed to cause immense pain.

I started to get back a few of the aches and pains that I had managed to sort out with some basic yoga and stretching techniques. Unfortunately, I still ignored all of the warning signs that I was putting my body under too much pressure. I was working long hours in construction, surfing, playing soccer, practicing jiu-jitsu and traveling. I had not been listening to any of the signals that had begun to develop.

I knew that I was becoming really inflexible again, but as my life had become busy and my priorities changed. Unfortunately, it seems to become very common to put our health and fitness low on our list of priorities while we are working hard, and doing things for other people seems to end up on top of the list.

Seated spinal twist

After weeks of speaking with and getting treatment from doctors, osteopaths, yoga teachers and physiotherapists I learned that I had pinched a nerve. This was the result of too much physical strain and not continuing to stretch, engage in yoga practice, or really any kind of training to maintain flexibility. All of the muscles in my hips and legs were incredibly stiff.

I knew that I had made a huge mistake as by ignoring my stiff body. It had been trying to let me know that I needed to maintain my flexibility. It became too easy to just ignore all the signs while I was caught up in my busy life.

I was frustrated with myself. I already knew how to maintain a healthy back and body. I had been working on my flexibility since I was a teenager after all. I had totally ignored all the signs that I was becoming too stiff and in danger of an injury and because of it I was back to square one again.

Massage is great for mobility

Luckily for me, I had the help of my physiotherapist. We were able to come up with a stretching program designed to loosen all the required muscles in my body. It especially targeted my back and legs in order to loosen the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve. I was able to develop a great stretching program that relieved the pain I was feeling. When you are afflicted with nerve pain it can be difficult to imagine ever being pain-free again, but as soon as I began the twice daily flexibility training I began to feel the pain begin to slowly subside.

Keeping a busy schedule requires a flexibility program in order to maintain a healthy body

Why is flexibility so important?


Flexibility is all too often the most undervalued aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Everyone’s lifestyle can benefit from flexibility training.

Flexibility is great for surfing

Flexibility can help maintain good posture, minimize muscle soreness, enhance joint mobility, and prevent injuries. As you work on progressing with a stretching routine you will develop a greater range or motion in the joint and surrounding muscles.

Anyone who is active in sports should be aware of the benefits surrounding flexibility training. There are a lot of case studies that prove that the chance of injury will decrease when people incorporate flexibility training into their fitness routines. This is due to the greater range of motion that is developed in their muscle and joints.

When flexibility is incorporated into a well-designed training program, you will become more in-tune with your mental and physical state. This allows you to know their limits and to know how far you can push yourself safely. It is also a great way to achieve an active relaxation that will help with your physical and mental recovery.

What if you are not a top level athlete, is flexibility really so important?


Of course. It is probably even more important than to the everyday person. If you are an athlete performing regularly there is a good chance you are already involved in some sort of stretching routine into your training to avoid injury.

Spinal twist

For the everyday person with a busy life schedule of work and families, it is easy to let your flexibility deteriorate. I definitely know how easy it was, my flexibility had taken a back seat and fallen back on my priority list. This common story never has a good outcome.

Flexibility is as important to elite athletes as it is for a busy mother or a fifty hour a week office worker. Flexibility is especially important to prevent injury in everyday life. Day to day activities such as getting out of bed, bending over to pick something up, carrying your child, or cleaning the car can all lead to serious injury if you are excessively stiff.

We tend to fall into bad posture habits and our muscles and joints can lose their mobility. Once flexibility and mobility deteriorate to a certain point, all our beloved activities become more and more difficult until you’ll find yourself dealing with muscle soreness, and eventually this can lead to injury and pain.

BJJ and flexibility

Once you leave it on the back burner for too long and allow yourself to become injured, the road to recovery is a long and painful. The reward for maintaining flexibility is that you can live a healthy pain-free life up until your twilight years. All it takes is spending that little bit of time on yourself required to keep your body flexible.

It is widely known that maintaining a flexible body will greatly reduce the chance that you develop debilitating chronic back pain. If you ever have the chance to speak to anyone who is suffering from back pain, ask them how the pain affects them. They are willing to do just about anything to solve the problem and live pain-free again.

The problem is that once you have let your mobility deteriorate to a certain point, it will be a strenuous and difficult journey on the path to becoming pain-free again. This often leaves people requiring strong analgesics or possibly going into surgery to try and solve the issue.

Maintain Flexibility to Keep Doing What You Love

I have just spent the winter in Hawaii, pushing myself into surfing the biggest waves of my life. This was an ‘El Nino’ year, the currents warm up in the northern hemisphere which creates huge swells in the northern hemisphere.

Surfing waimea

This year led to one of the biggest and best seasons in history, there seemed to be constant, massive swells hitting the Hawaiian Islands and making huge waves that crashed into the Hawaiian shoreline. Especially in a famous place called Waimea Bay.


There are always professional surfers in the water at Waimea Bay, testing themselves against the waters. They all have their own stretching routines to warm up for the huge waves and are in peak fitness, as you would expect.

What I did not expect though was the group of fifty to sixty-year-olds surfing magnificently and even outdoing the professional surfers. There are twenty to thirty-foot waves, the might of the whole Pacific Ocean behind them and they move at incredible speeds. When you fall from these waves you can be thrown around violently. You will be underwater with little control of what happens to your body. Limbs can be pulled in all directions and you will be pushed deep under water.

Waves in Indo

These guys have managed to stay in peak physical condition well into their sixties, and they continue dominating some of most difficult surfing conditions in the world. They have all lived them through their lives maintaining their flexibility through stretching and yoga training. They are a great example of what is possible if you maintain your flexibility and mobility into the years you previously thought were for complaining about aches and pains from a rocking chair.

When you speak with these guys, you realize that the one thing they all have in common is that they have all continued their regular stretching exercises to maintain mobility and avoid injury. This keeps their body and mind in tune and healthy.

That is why maintaining a healthy flexible body is so important. You can go about your daily habits, routines, sports and hobbies pain-free and feeling great. You’ll be able to make the most out of every single day and continue doing what you love right into your beautiful twilight years.

As they say prevention is always the best cure.

Maintain flexibility

Maintain flexibility and keep charging into your 60s 

There seems to be 2 routes that people take in life regarding flexibility and mobility. The quality of life will result in vastly different out comes.

# 1- Ignore The Body

 The first path that most busy people follow is to continue to live a busy life everything in life but ignoring their bodies aches and pains that are letting you know that something isn’t right. These aches and pains will never relent unless you take action and improve flexibility and joint mobility.  What seems to happen is that lack of mobility will lead to injuries and taking medication become the only option to relieve the pain.

# 2 -Take the time for yourself

 Start to listen to your body, if you feel like to are starting to get stiff and sore. Stop take some time for yourself to maintain your flexibility and mobility. Develop a stretching routine to do at home in the lounge room, go to the beach or a park for 20 mins. Even better become part of a yoga school and visit regularly. Maintain your flexibility and keep being active and pain free for your whole life. 

I know I’m always inspired when I see older people keeping active and doing what they love doing into an age that we never used to think possible.

This is an example of what the body is capable of if you maintain a flexibility into the grandfather/elderly years

Types of flexibility and stretching


Dynamic stretching


Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching is almost the opposite of static stretching. As static stretching involves holding a position with almost no movement. Dynamic Stretching can be defined as “ stretching with movement “

Dynamic stretching is a a form of stretching that is hugely beneficial as a warm up to prepare for physical activity and sports. A good dynamic stretching routines will prepare the body for physical exertion and peak sports performance and also reduce the risk of injury as the muscle will be warm and ready to perform at a hard pace. As the dynamic stretches are performed there is a supply of oxygen and blood flow to the soft tissues before the muscle are placed under full exertion.

In the past it was thought that static stretching was best warm up for sports and physical exertion. Studies have now show that static stretches have a negative effect on the strength and explosive output from static stretching.

Dynamic stretching will improve your flexibility by improving the motions of the joints in the body to try enhance the bodies performance and minimise injury. Some of the best flexibility stretches are proven to be dynamic stretches.

Static stretching

Static stretching

Static stretching will help maintain and improve flexibility and mobility in the body. It is great to counteract the pressures we put on the body day to day at work, sports and living a busy life. Static stretching will lengthen the muscles; relieve pressure on joints and muscle and improve balance and well being. Static stretching, if carried out correctly, is also going to help reduce stress and tension.


Static stretching is a stretch where you lengthen a muscle until the furthest comfortable point from a stationary position where the body is rested. A point where you can feel the muscle being stretched but do not experience any discomfort. You don’t need to feel pain to be getting benefits from any stretching exercises.

Hold the static stretch for between 10 seconds ( 3 deep breaths) and 2 mins in a comfortable position with no bouncing or jerking movement to see the best results. Breath calmly and deeply into the position and try relax being aware of the muscle that is being elongated. As you exhale you can go deeper into the stretch. You only need to feel a gentle pull on the muscle. You should not feel any pain or fire like sensations in the muscle. If you do just ease off. More is not always best. You want to aim for gradual improvement. Every time you stretch your muscles you are benefiting.

Tips and guidelines for stretching and flexibility training

Having a wide range of motion in a joint and all your muscles is going to help you avoid unwanted injuries and minimise your body from developing aches and pains. While performing these stretches and routines it is important to make sure you are progressing in a safe and intelligent way to see the best results.

Here is a list of basic tips and guidelines to help you progress in the best possible way.

  • Never push too hard, work within your limits
  • Aim to perform flexibility exercises for each muscle group to gain total-body improvement
  • Remember to breath comfortably. If you find yourself panting relax a bit until you can breath deeply and comfortably
  • Make sure your your muscles are warmed up before you go into any deep stretches
  • ​As you are holding a stretch you can push a little further with the exhale
  • Never use jerky or bouncy movements when holding a position
  • Always breath calmly during flexibility workouts
  • As you develop and improve your flexibility you will be able to reach further into each position. A mild stretch on the muscle is what you are aiming for. If you experience any sharp shooting pain your are pushing too far.​
  • ​Only exercise positions that you will feel comfortable with. There is no need to push to hard and get injuries whist trying to prevent injuries

Stretching and Flexibility Warm Up Exercises

Below is a great guide of stretches for flexibility and warm up exercises to avoid injuries.Aiming to help you develop a flexibility training program.

​Dynamic Warm Up Stretches​


Plank dynamic strteching
  • Laying on the floor come on to your elbows keeping your body in a straight line
  • Keep the head in line with body, chin tucked in looking at the ground
  • Use core to keep the body straight​
  • ​Feet slightly separated
  • Holde for 30 seconds - 1 min

Lateral plank

  • Start on your side with you your elbow bent under the shoulder
  • Feet stacked together​
  • ​Push hips up and prop onto your elbow
  • ​Keep the body in straight line from your head to the feet
  • Hold for 30 secs - 1 min
  • Repeat opposite side

Pillar Plank With Arm Lift


Pillar plank 1 arm
  • Start from the pillar position ( push position), looking down, toes on the ground, arms straight with palms facing down, fingers pointing forward
  • Tighten and core as you reach forward alternately with each hand
  • ​Raise hold arm over head for 2 seconds at a time
  • ​Maintain the hips and shoulders squarely to the floor throughout the exercise
  • Repeat 5 times to each side

Alternate hip flexion

Hip flex right knee
Hip flex Left knee
  • Start in the push up position
  • Hands directly below shoulders and and feet shoulder width apart
  • ​Bringing knees alternately in towards the chest and returning feet back to the starting position
  • keeping core engaged
  • When carrying out reps always keep one foot in contact with the floor



  • Start laying on your back
  • Bend knees and place soles on the ground
  • ​Lift hips towards the ceiling
  • ​Create a line that is straight from the knees, hips and shoulders
  • ​Reach with the left hand touching the ground on the right side of your head
  • ​Repeat alternately 10 times to each side

Bridge with leg extension

Bridge leg extension
  • Starting from the extended bridge position- Knees bent, soles down
  • Lift hips towards ceiling- straight line from the knees through to the shoulders
  • ​Alternatly extending legs- holding for 2 seconds each side
  • keep head on the ground and the core engaged through-out the movement
  • Repeat 10 times to each side




  • Start from standing with feet shoulder width apart
  • Exhale as you lower the hips and squat until the thighs are parallel to the ground
  • ​keep the back straight
  • ​Inhale as you return to the starting position
  • Practice the exercise in a slow and steady movement
  • Repeat 15 repetitions


Squat Jumps

  • Start standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder width
  • Perform a squat with thighs to go parallel with the ground (a 90 degree bend in the knee if possible)
  • ​Perform a vertical jump
  • ​Perform the jump in fluid movement looking for solid technique rather than height
  • When landing soften the knees for minimal impact
  • ​5 repititons


  • Start with your right leg in front and the left leg at 45 degrees behind
  • Hands on the hips as you lower the body and knee towards the ground with out letting the knee touch the ground
  • Keep good posture and lower and raise in a slow and steady movement
  • Repeat 10 times to each side

lower back stretches

leg rotation on back

  • Lie on back with your knees bent feet on the floor
  • knees together and arms by the side of the body
  • ​Interlock the fingers of both hands and place the palms under the back of the head
  • ​As you exhale drop knees to the right trying to bring the knees al the way to the floor
  • ​At the same time, gently turn the head and neck to the opposite as the legs
  • As you inhale raise the legs to an up right position
  • ​Make sure you keep the shoulders and elbows on the group through the exercise

Extension while lying on stomach ( Cobra )

  • Place your palms flat on the floor beside your shoulders
  • Take a deep breath in and lift your upper body and look to the ceiling
  • ​Arch the entire back using the back muscles, using the arms for minimal support
  • ​Breath out and gently return to starting position with forehead on the floor

Back Stretches 

Knees to chest

  • Lie on your back
  • Bend your knees so your soles are flat on the floor
  • Bring your knees towards chest using your hands to pull the knees tight into the body
  • Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 3 times
cat stretch
  • Come onto your hands and knees, hands under the shoulders, fingers facing forward
  • The arms and thighs should be vertical to the floor. This is the starting position
  • Inhale while raising the head and depressing the spine so that the back becomes concave​
  • ​Exhale, while lowering the head and stretching the spine upward
  • Repeat five times

Half spinal twist
  • Sit with both legs out stretched, Keep spine upright
  • Bend the right leg and place the right foot on the floor on outside of the left knee
  • ​Bend the left leg and bring the heel towards the buttock ( You can also leave the left leg straight if this is more comfortable)
  • ​ Adjust the position to ensure a comfortable stretch in the hips
  • ​Right hand is now placed on the floor behind your back on the floor
  • Bring your left arm forward to hug right thigh towards your chest
  • Turn your shoulders and neck to look over your right shoulder​
  • ​Hold the position and breath for 1- 2 mins
  • Exhaling release the right hand and returning to the centre
  • Repeat to the opposite side

Arm Stretches

bicep wall stretch
Wall bicep stretch
  • Place the palm and shoulder of your right arm against a wall
  • With the arm in line with the wall, exhale and slowly turn your body to face forward feeling the stretch down the length of the bicep and chest
  • ​You can adjust the palm position higher or lower on the wall to adjust the stretch
  • Repeat on opposite side
Tricep - Hands point down spine

Tri stretch

  • Inhale as you extend right arm over head, exhale as you point and extent the right hand and fingers down the centre of the back
  • Use the left hand to hold the right elbow
  • ​Gently pulling downward on your elbow to move your fingers down the spine
  • Release the right elbow, give the arms a shake and repeat on the opposite side

Leg Stretches

Quadriceps stretch

  • Step onto your left foot and take hold of your right ankle and raise towards the buttocks
  • As you inhale slowly pull your heel towards your glutes, Aiming to point you knee to the ground as your wish your pelvis forward
  • ​Keep you body upright, if you lean forward you will lessen the stretch
  • Keeping your balance hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times to each opposite side
  • Leg stretching exercises are great for starting to loosen the lower back muscles 
  • Tight leg muscles can lead to a sore lower back
hamstring stretches

Standing Straight Leg stretch

Seated leg stretch
  • Find a chair, cool or table that is 50- 70 cm high or 1 half - 2 feet
  • Leave 1 foot on the floor and place the other foot onto the chair with the leg straightened
  • ​keeping the back straight lean forward onto the stool feeling the stretch up the back of the hamstring
  • ​Hold for 25- 30 seconds
  • ​Repeat on 3 times to each side
  • Practice twice daily to improve your flexibility faster

Hurdler hamstring stretch

Hurdler Stretch
  • Sitting on the floor with legs straight out in front
  • ​Bend your left leg and place the sole of the foot in the right inner thigh
  • Inhale as you raise your arms over the head
  • Exhale as you extend forward over the right straightened leg bending from the hips and taking hold of your thigh, shin or foot
  • ​Inhaling g as you raise your arms and straightening your spine
  • ​Repeat 3 times to each side
  • On the 3rd time hold the position for 30-45 seconds and as you exhale push a little deeper into the stretch
  • Hamstring exercises are an excellent way to warm up and avoid injuies

Upside Down V Stretch - down ward facing dog 

Downward dog stretch
  • Begin the hands and knees on the ground
  • Come into the toes
  • ​An you exhale push the floor away and lift your knees off the floor and your hips to the ceiling coming in to an upside down v-pose, like a dog stretching in the morning
  • To begin you can walk the feet alternately off the ground. From heels to toes feeling a stretch up the entire back of the hamstrings​
  • Then if you are comfortable straighten both legs, dropping both heels on the floor, Straighten the legs but be aware not to lock them​
  • ​Firmly push the palms and index fingers into the floor feeling the stretch of the shoulder blade into the back
  • ​Keep the head balanced in between the arms making sure it does to hang low
  • Maintain a lengthened spine while stretching the back of the legs backwards
  • You may not be able to get the heels al the way to the floor. Just go to where feels comfortable

Shoulder stretches

Cross body shoulder stretch

Cross shoulder stretch
  • While standing cross your right shoulder across your chest
  • Using your left arm pull your right arm into your opposite shoulder and chest keeping your right arm straight
  • ​To extend the stretch look over your right shoulder
  • ​Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds and repeat each side 3 times

Standing interlock fingers shoulder stretch

Shoulder stretch
  • Standing tall interlock fingers behind the back
  • Feet hip width apart
  • ​Breathing in raise hands and arms upwards to a comfortable position
  • ​Exhale lower the arms back towards the lower back
  • ​Repeat 5 times

Hip stretching exercises

Pigeon stretch
Pigeon Stretch
Pigeon stretch
  • lay on the floor with your right leg bent and your left leg straight extended behind you. stretching the hip toward the floor
  • Moving the right foot forward or bringing the right heel towards the hips until you find a comfortable position to stretch the hip
  • ​Placing your palms down in front of the knees
  • ​Breathing in straighten arms, raise head shoulders and spine
  • ​Exhale as your walk your hands away and allow the upper body to rest over the knee
  • ​Resting here and take at least 5 deep breaths into the position
  • Repeat the position on the opposite side